[SGMP] Today's Meeting

Steven Hall halls at flcourts.org
Tue Jun 20 08:40:09 CDT 2023

SGMP Members and Friends,

Wanted to send a reminder about tonights meeting and installation of officers for the new term! We hope you can make it in person. The address is 1415 S. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Room 211. There will be SGMP signs outside of the building. You can park on the sides of the building or in back.

See you tonight!

From: SGMP <sgmp-bounces at sgmpfl.org<mailto:sgmp-bounces at sgmpfl.org>> on behalf of Steven Hall via SGMP <sgmp at sgmpfl.org<mailto:sgmp at sgmpfl.org>>
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2023 9:44 PM
To: Gabrielle K. Gabrielli, Ph.D. via SGMP <sgmp at sgmpfl.org<mailto:sgmp at sgmpfl.org>>
Subject: [SGMP] Tuesday's Meeting

Good Evening Members and Friends!

We look forward to seeing you all at the meeting on Tuesday. We’re meeting in person to swear in the new officers! The meeting will be held Tuesday, June 20, 5:30PM, at the FAMU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Institute of Public Health Building, located at 1415 South Marin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, Second Floor, Room 210.

The new officers will be sworn in. If they are able to make it, we will recognize the newest members in the chapter to earn their CGMP certification, Kimberly Rich, Charma Retherford, and Ruth-Anne Wright, as well as discuss what we will work toward during the next two years. For those that are out-of-town members, there will be an online option. See you there!

[SGMP Florida Capital Chapter Save the Date]

Date: June 20, 2023
Time: 5:30-7pm
Speaker: Panel Discussion
Program: Installation of New Officers, Discussion of Chapter Plans
Location: Online<https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8503218222?pwd=WUFLS3BSVS9vUURieDAzaVlpRnV5dz09> <https://zoom.us/j/95171760095?pwd=VEQ3K0txZkhiR2VkVmtOQkZ6ZFNldz09> and In Person at  FAMU College of Pharmacy.  1415 S. Martin Luther King Blvd., second floor, Room 210​​​​​​​
Sponsor: Florida Capital Chapter SGMP
Registration: Register Online<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fsgmpfl.org%2fmonthly_registration_form.shtml&c=E,1,UPOG15muEwoy6Wyoi4LexxHCAKABGPXKHmszvmtX81B7khX5nJPFYfE0hft1WOaWFGXTEPB0pnLI-eGDnlu_iXfUQQSXJQcUwzl1VNgHVoHuaq76fcg,&typo=1>

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