[SGMP] Meeting next week!

Steven Hall halls at flcourts.org
Fri Jul 15 16:40:03 CDT 2022

Good evening SGMP members and friends:

I hope everyone has had a wonderful and productive week! I wanted to send out a reminder about the great speaker we've got lined up next week. Please feel free to pass the meeting information on to colleagues and associates in the meetings industry. And don't forget about the survey! Have a great weekend and see you Tuesday!

From: SGMP <sgmp-bounces at sgmpfl.org> On Behalf Of Steven Hall via SGMP
Sent: Wednesday, July 6, 2022 5:58 PM
To: sgmp at sgmpfl.org
Subject: [SGMP] July Meeting and Survey


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Good evening SGMP members and friends:

We hope that everyone had an enjoyable Independence Day Weekend and Holiday! I know for many things are starting to heat up (literally!) with more and more meetings and events being planned. This month we have an incredible meeting in store for you!

Coming to us via Zoom from Atlanta, we will hear from Chester Johnson, Jr. on contract negotiations from the entertainment perspective. Mr. Johnson is an entertainment manager, consultant, entrepreneur, musician, producer and FAMU Alumnus. He is the manager of boxer Evander Holyfield! Most of us know the challenges of negotiating contracts with entertainers and celebrities and we hope that this will give us some insight on where they are coming from! Adding to the wealth of information we will receive from Mr. Johnson, a colleague of his will be joining as well, Jeff Hoffman, a co-founder of the multi-billion dollar platform, Priceline.com. Mr. Hoffman is an award-winning global entrepreneur, CEO, motivational speaker, bestselling author, film and television producer, and produced a Grammy Award winning Jazz album. This is definitely a meeting not to be missed!

Please feel free to share the meeting information (below) with colleagues and others in the meetings and events industry.

While we've got your attention, the board put together a brief survey to gain some insight on the future direction of the chapter. Please take a few moments to complete it. It can be shared with past members and those interested in joining.
Survey: https://tinyurl.com/SGMPSurvey2022<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2ftinyurl.com%2fSGMPSurvey2022&c=E,1,3hRW56gcljxT6P_12BMRx4dyWrbTBgJ8qT0AYlJdecMLKbW6bLr-2oYrZIuWSTxWddv94z9NLmFdWB9FBSYfWytywVULxnU9m1u0l_wAoeeXgEzDQQGQbZWHhnU,&typo=1>

[SGMP Florida Capital Chapter Save the Date]

Date: July 19, 2022
Time: 5:30-7pm
Speaker: Chester Johnson
Program: Contract Negotiations in the Entertainment Industry
Location: Online<https://zoom.us/j/98685638231?pwd=Y1FKcmVjbklBMkYwTVdVYTF2NkNJdz09>
Sponsor: Florida Capital Chapter SGMP
Registration: Register Online<http://www.sgmpfl.org/monthly_registration_form.shtml> (no payment necessary since meeting is virtual)

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