[SGMP] CCSGMP October Meeting (and beyond)

Steven Hall halls at flcourts.org
Tue Oct 5 17:17:38 CDT 2021

Good Afternoon Florida Capital Chapter!

It's hard to believe it's October and spooky season already! It'll be 2022 in the blink of an eye. I know many of us are already busy planning more of a return to in-person events in 2022.

This month, we'll discuss how to do site selection remotely. While there has been a return to in-person events, many of us are not yet able to travel as much as we'd like yet. Even before the pandemic, we had to do some of the work remotely, so bring your tips, tricks and lessons learned. The meeting will be on October 19 at 5:30 pm via Zoom. Link below.

Looking ahead...

In November, we'll hear from attorney Reginald Mitchell about contracts (November 16). In December, we thought it might be nice to try seeing each other in person. If you would be interested in attending an in-person social (in a private home, with indoor and outdoor space) on December 14 around 6pm, please reply. If enough of you are interested, we'll make that happen! It will be so nice to see you in person again! Finally, we will have the pleasure of hearing from Garland Pretty from SGMP National will be talking to us. We're finalizing the topic and date, but it will likely be our usual pattern, so January 18.

All of these events are free of charge and open to members and prospective members alike. If you would like to get more involved or if you have suggestions or ideas, please reach out. We're here to listen and need your input to help make your membership in our chapter more valuable to you.


To join the October meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting<https://zoom.us/j/95458076595?pwd=V0xxb2N5eWxqTXNNNDM2WHNxWUVwUT09>

One tap mobile:

US: +17866351003,,95458076595#,,,,*418488#<tel:+17866351003,,95458076595#,,,,*418488#> or +16465189805,,95458076595#,,,,*418488#<tel:+16465189805,,95458076595#,,,,*418488#>

Meeting URL:


Meeting ID:

954 5807 6595



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